New Year’s Day Brunch
Thursday 1st January 2009
10.30 – 14.30 hrs
Variedade de Sumos de Fruta
A selection of Fruit Juices
Variedade de Cereais
Choice of Cereals
Iogurtes e Fruta Fresca
Yoghurts and Seasonal Fresh Fruits
Pão Branco, Pão Integral, Croissants e Torradas
White, Wholemeal Bread and Rolls, Brioches, Croissants and Toast
Compotas, Marmelada e Mel
Jams, Marmalades and Honey
Carnes Frias, Patés e Queijo
A selection of Cold Meats, Paté and Cheese
Ovos, Bacon e Salsichas
Eggs, Grilled Bacon and Sausages
Tomate Assado, Feijão Vermelho e Cogumelos no Forno
Tomatoes, Baked Beans and Sautéed Mushrooms
Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá
Traditional “Bacalhau “Gomes de Sá”
Traditional Cod fried with onions and garlic, sliced boiled potatoes and garnished with hard boiled eggs and black olives
Arroz à Valenciana
Rice “Valenciana”
A delicious rice dish cooked with ham, sausage, peppers, tomatoes and green peas
Variedade de Sobremesas
A choice of Portuguese cakes and pastries
Café, Chá, Leite, Leite com Chocolate
Coffee, Tea, Milk or Chocolate
10.30 – 14.30 hrs
Variedade de Sumos de Fruta
A selection of Fruit Juices
Variedade de Cereais
Choice of Cereals
Iogurtes e Fruta Fresca
Yoghurts and Seasonal Fresh Fruits
Pão Branco, Pão Integral, Croissants e Torradas
White, Wholemeal Bread and Rolls, Brioches, Croissants and Toast
Compotas, Marmelada e Mel
Jams, Marmalades and Honey
Carnes Frias, Patés e Queijo
A selection of Cold Meats, Paté and Cheese
Ovos, Bacon e Salsichas
Eggs, Grilled Bacon and Sausages
Tomate Assado, Feijão Vermelho e Cogumelos no Forno
Tomatoes, Baked Beans and Sautéed Mushrooms
Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá
Traditional “Bacalhau “Gomes de Sá”
Traditional Cod fried with onions and garlic, sliced boiled potatoes and garnished with hard boiled eggs and black olives
Arroz à Valenciana
Rice “Valenciana”
A delicious rice dish cooked with ham, sausage, peppers, tomatoes and green peas
Variedade de Sobremesas
A choice of Portuguese cakes and pastries
Café, Chá, Leite, Leite com Chocolate
Coffee, Tea, Milk or Chocolate
New Year's Eve Gala Dinner
Wednesday 31st December 2008
20.30 hrs
Créme Diplomata
Chicken Consommé thickened with tapioca and garnished with chicken
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Salads
Espelho de Frango Grelhado com “Piri-Piri” Espelho de Perú Assado
Cold Grilled Chicken with Piri Piri Cold Roasted Breast Turkey
Espelho de Mariscos Espelho de Pasteis Mistos
Seafood Platter Traditional Portuguese Pasties
Espelho de Leitão Assado à Bairrada Espelho de Salmão Fumado
Traditional Roast Suckling Pig Fresh Smoked Salmon
Espelho de Perna de Porco Assada
Roast Leg of Pork
Trevo de Línguado com Legumes Crocantes
Sole with Caramelized Vegetables
Filetes de Limanda com Salmão
Fillets of Rock Sole with Salmon
Tranches de Maruca com Manga
Slices of Ling served with Mango
Lombo de Porco Recheado com Murcela
Roast Loin of Pork stuffed with Portuguese Sausage
Bifinhos de Novilho Perfumado com Vinho da Madeira
Fillet of Veal served with Madeira Wine
Peitinhos de Frango Grelhados na Chapa
Grilled Breast of Chicken
Perna de Borrego Assada no Forno com Laranja Caramelizada e Mel de Monchique
Oven Roasted Leg of Lamb with Caramelized Orange and Monchique Honey
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Doces Variados e Fruta da Época
Selection of Desserts and Fresh Fruit in season
Vinho Branco e Vinho Tinto - Champanhe à Meia Noite
White and Red Wine - Champagne at Midnight
Caldo Verde e Saladas à Escolha
The traditional “Caldo Verde” soup and a Selection of Salads
Dança toda a noite com Música ao Vivo e Grupo de Dança
All night dancing to Live Music and Live Dance Show
20.30 hrs
Créme Diplomata
Chicken Consommé thickened with tapioca and garnished with chicken
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Salads
Espelho de Frango Grelhado com “Piri-Piri” Espelho de Perú Assado
Cold Grilled Chicken with Piri Piri Cold Roasted Breast Turkey
Espelho de Mariscos Espelho de Pasteis Mistos
Seafood Platter Traditional Portuguese Pasties
Espelho de Leitão Assado à Bairrada Espelho de Salmão Fumado
Traditional Roast Suckling Pig Fresh Smoked Salmon
Espelho de Perna de Porco Assada
Roast Leg of Pork
Trevo de Línguado com Legumes Crocantes
Sole with Caramelized Vegetables
Filetes de Limanda com Salmão
Fillets of Rock Sole with Salmon
Tranches de Maruca com Manga
Slices of Ling served with Mango
Lombo de Porco Recheado com Murcela
Roast Loin of Pork stuffed with Portuguese Sausage
Bifinhos de Novilho Perfumado com Vinho da Madeira
Fillet of Veal served with Madeira Wine
Peitinhos de Frango Grelhados na Chapa
Grilled Breast of Chicken
Perna de Borrego Assada no Forno com Laranja Caramelizada e Mel de Monchique
Oven Roasted Leg of Lamb with Caramelized Orange and Monchique Honey
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Doces Variados e Fruta da Época
Selection of Desserts and Fresh Fruit in season
Vinho Branco e Vinho Tinto - Champanhe à Meia Noite
White and Red Wine - Champagne at Midnight
Caldo Verde e Saladas à Escolha
The traditional “Caldo Verde” soup and a Selection of Salads
Dança toda a noite com Música ao Vivo e Grupo de Dança
All night dancing to Live Music and Live Dance Show
Dinner - 30th December, 2008
19.30 hrs
Creme de Tomate Perfumado com Coentros
Cream of Tomato Soup garnished with Coriander
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Green and Mixed Salads
Espelho com Paté “Companha”
Pate “Companha”
Lombinhos de Tamboril com Frutos Tropicais
Medallions of Monkfish with Tropical Fruit
Posta de Solha com Molho Dois Vinhos
Fillets of Plaice with a Red and White WIne Sauce
Bifinhos de Perú com Gomos de Maçã Caramelizada
Turkey Steaks with Slices of Apple Dipped in Caramel
Medalhões de Porco Grelhados
Grilled Medallions of Pork
Tortalones com Molho Carbonara
Oven Baked Tortalones with Carbonara Sauce
Doces Variados ou Fruta da Época
Selection of Desserts or Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
19.30 hrs
Creme de Tomate Perfumado com Coentros
Cream of Tomato Soup garnished with Coriander
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Green and Mixed Salads
Espelho com Paté “Companha”
Pate “Companha”
Lombinhos de Tamboril com Frutos Tropicais
Medallions of Monkfish with Tropical Fruit
Posta de Solha com Molho Dois Vinhos
Fillets of Plaice with a Red and White WIne Sauce
Bifinhos de Perú com Gomos de Maçã Caramelizada
Turkey Steaks with Slices of Apple Dipped in Caramel
Medalhões de Porco Grelhados
Grilled Medallions of Pork
Tortalones com Molho Carbonara
Oven Baked Tortalones with Carbonara Sauce
Doces Variados ou Fruta da Época
Selection of Desserts or Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
New Year's Eve Programme Welcome Dinner
Monday 29th December 2008
19.30 hrs
Créme de Agriões com Presunto
Cream of Watercress Soup with Smoked Ham
Espelho de Pasteis Mistos
A selection of Rissoles
Saladas à Escolha
Choice of the Salad Buffet
Tranches de Cherne com Frutos Secos
Sea Bass served with Dried Fruits
Supremos de Pescada com Banana
Suprêmes of Hake with Banana
Carré de Borrego com Ervas Aromáticas
Sautéed Lamb Cutlets with Aromatic Herbs
Sauté de Novilho com Molho Anatado
Sautéed Veal with Cream Sauce
Esparguete á Primavera
Oven Baked Spaghetti with Vegetables
Doces Variados e Fruta da Época
Chef’s Choice of Desserts and Fresh Fruit
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
Christmas Quiz Answers
Q.1. Name the missing dwarf from Snow White : Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy. A. Bashful
Q.2. Usually shown on T.V. at Christmas, the film Scrooge is based on which Charles Dickens novel? A. A Christmas Carol.
Q.3. what was the name of Scrooges' partner (who visited Scrooge as a ghost)? A. Joseph Marley.
Q.4. Who was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066? A. William.
Q.5. In Cockney rhyming slang, what are "mince pies"? A. Eyes.
Q.6. "The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes" is a line from which Christmas carol? A. Away in a Manger.
Q.7. What were the names of the three wise men? A. Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar.
Q.8. What did my true love give to me on the 5th day of Christmas? A. 5 Golden Rings.
Q.9 On the 12th day of Christmas what was the TOTAL number of "items" my true love gave to me? A. 78.
Q.10. Which saints were the parents of the Virgin Mary? A. St. Anne and St. Joachim.
Q.11 Christmas Island in the Pacific belongs to which country's administration? A. Australia.
Q 12. On which date is Epiphany celebrated in the traditional Western Calendar ?
A. 6th January
Q.13. Traditional in Germany at Christmas, what sort of food is stollen ?
A. Cake
Q.14. Which 2 pop musicians wrote "Do they know it's Christmas?" in 1984? A. Bob Geldof and Midge Ure.
Q.15. What is the birthstone of anyone born in December? A. Turquoise or zircon.
Q.16. Where did the domesticated turkey, traditionally eaten at Christmas, originate? A. The United States.
Q.17. By which familiar names are olibanum and opopanax known? A. Frankincense and Myrrh.
Q.18.Which comedian said "Santa Claus had the right idea - visit people only once a year"? A..Victor Borge.
Q.19. How many main arms does a snowflake have? A. 6.
Q.20..Which meat was always roasted for Queen Victoria's Christmas Day dinner? A. Swan
Q.21. Which of these ports should always be decanted - tawny, vintage or ruby? A. Vintage.
Q.22. What is the common name for the evergreen plant Ilex aquifolium? A. English holly.
Q. 23 Which biblical event is commemorated by Twelfth Night? A. Visit of the three wise men to the infant Jesus.
Q.24 What are used as candle-holders at Christingle services? A. Oranges.
Q.25 Which is the driest champagne - sec, brut or demi-sec? A. Brut
Our congratulations to Sarah-Jane Harris - the winner of the 2008 Christmas Quiz. Sarah-Jane has won a weekend for two people in the Hotel Garbe.
Q.2. Usually shown on T.V. at Christmas, the film Scrooge is based on which Charles Dickens novel? A. A Christmas Carol.
Q.3. what was the name of Scrooges' partner (who visited Scrooge as a ghost)? A. Joseph Marley.
Q.4. Who was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066? A. William.
Q.5. In Cockney rhyming slang, what are "mince pies"? A. Eyes.
Q.6. "The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes" is a line from which Christmas carol? A. Away in a Manger.
Q.7. What were the names of the three wise men? A. Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar.
Q.8. What did my true love give to me on the 5th day of Christmas? A. 5 Golden Rings.
Q.9 On the 12th day of Christmas what was the TOTAL number of "items" my true love gave to me? A. 78.
Q.10. Which saints were the parents of the Virgin Mary? A. St. Anne and St. Joachim.
Q.11 Christmas Island in the Pacific belongs to which country's administration? A. Australia.
Q 12. On which date is Epiphany celebrated in the traditional Western Calendar ?
A. 6th January
Q.13. Traditional in Germany at Christmas, what sort of food is stollen ?
A. Cake
Q.14. Which 2 pop musicians wrote "Do they know it's Christmas?" in 1984? A. Bob Geldof and Midge Ure.
Q.15. What is the birthstone of anyone born in December? A. Turquoise or zircon.
Q.16. Where did the domesticated turkey, traditionally eaten at Christmas, originate? A. The United States.
Q.17. By which familiar names are olibanum and opopanax known? A. Frankincense and Myrrh.
Q.18.Which comedian said "Santa Claus had the right idea - visit people only once a year"? A..Victor Borge.
Q.19. How many main arms does a snowflake have? A. 6.
Q.20..Which meat was always roasted for Queen Victoria's Christmas Day dinner? A. Swan
Q.21. Which of these ports should always be decanted - tawny, vintage or ruby? A. Vintage.
Q.22. What is the common name for the evergreen plant Ilex aquifolium? A. English holly.
Q. 23 Which biblical event is commemorated by Twelfth Night? A. Visit of the three wise men to the infant Jesus.
Q.24 What are used as candle-holders at Christingle services? A. Oranges.
Q.25 Which is the driest champagne - sec, brut or demi-sec? A. Brut
Our congratulations to Sarah-Jane Harris - the winner of the 2008 Christmas Quiz. Sarah-Jane has won a weekend for two people in the Hotel Garbe.
Christmas Day Swim for Shoes
Father Christmas was well represented - more than fifty attended. Who after singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" ran down to the waiting sea.
Certificates were awarded to all those who got wet and everyone enjoyed a very welcome glass of Mulled Wine in the Hotel Garbe bar afterwards.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
In order to raise more funds - there is another "Swim for Shoes" on 1st Janauary at 11.00am - just the way to recover from the festivities of New Years Eve - welcome in 2009 by paddling or swimming in the Atlantic Ocean - what an achievement ! Please join us - Fancy Dress Optional.
More photos at http://picasaweb.google.com/HotelGarbe/ChristmasDaySwim2008#
Christmas Eve Dinner
Wednesday 24th December 2008
19.30 hrs
Sopa de Grão com Frango
Chickpea Soup with Chicken
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Salads
Espelho de Presunto
Smoked Ham
Filetes de Limanda com Salmão e Uvas
Rock Sole Fillets with Salmon and Grapes
Tranches de Salmão Grelhadas à Grenoblesa
Fillets of Salmon “Grenobloise”
Perna de Borrego Assada no Forno com Molho Menta
Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce
Rósbife com Molho de Vinho Tinto
Roast Beef served with a Red Wine Sauce
Lacinhos à Bolonhesa
Oven Baked Pasta with Bolognaise Sauce
Doces Variados ou Fruta da Época
Selection of Home Made Desserts or Fresh Fruit
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
19.30 hrs
Sopa de Grão com Frango
Chickpea Soup with Chicken
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Salads
Espelho de Presunto
Smoked Ham
Filetes de Limanda com Salmão e Uvas
Rock Sole Fillets with Salmon and Grapes
Tranches de Salmão Grelhadas à Grenoblesa
Fillets of Salmon “Grenobloise”
Perna de Borrego Assada no Forno com Molho Menta
Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce
Rósbife com Molho de Vinho Tinto
Roast Beef served with a Red Wine Sauce
Lacinhos à Bolonhesa
Oven Baked Pasta with Bolognaise Sauce
Doces Variados ou Fruta da Época
Selection of Home Made Desserts or Fresh Fruit
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
Early booking Promotion
Book before 31 January 2009 and get a 20% discount on your reservation - no deposit required.
Applies to all holiday dates between 1 April 2009 and 31 October 2009 (offer subject to availability). And you will automatically become a member of our Privilege Club which will entitle you to 20% off all food and drink purchases during your stay. Forget the currency drop and the credit crunch, at the Garbe your Summer 2009 holiday will cost you less. Book on line now.
(This offer cannot be combined with any other offers.)
Applies to all holiday dates between 1 April 2009 and 31 October 2009 (offer subject to availability). And you will automatically become a member of our Privilege Club which will entitle you to 20% off all food and drink purchases during your stay. Forget the currency drop and the credit crunch, at the Garbe your Summer 2009 holiday will cost you less. Book on line now.
(This offer cannot be combined with any other offers.)
Hotel Garbe Christmas Quiz - Win a weekend for two

Q.1. Name the missing dwarf from Snow White: Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy.
Q.2. Usually shown on T.V. at Christmas, the film Scrooge is based on which Charles Dickens novel?
Q.3. What was the name of Scrooges' partner (who visited Scrooge as a ghost)?
Q.4. Who was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066?
Q.5. In Cockney rhyming slang, what are "mince pies"? .
Q.6. ”The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes" is a line from which Christmas carol? .
Q.7. What were the names of the three wise men?
Q.8. What did my true love give to me on the 5th day of Christmas?
Q.9 On the 12th day of Christmas what was the TOTAL number of "items" my true love gave to me? .
Q.10. which saints were the parents of the Virgin Mary?
Q.11 Christmas Island in the Pacific belongs to which country's administration?
Q 12. On which date is Epiphany celebrated in the traditional Western Calendar?
Q.13. Traditional in Germany at Christmas, what sort of food is stollen?
Q.14. Which 2 pop musicians wrote "Do they know it's Christmas?" in 1984?
Q.15. What is the birthstone of anyone born in December? ]
Q.16. Where did the domesticated turkey, traditionally eaten at Christmas, originate? .
Q.17. By which familiar names are olibanum and opopanax known
Q.18.Which comedian said "Santa Claus had the right idea - visit people only once a year"?
Q.19. How many main arms does a snowflake have?
Q.20. Which meat was always roasted for Queen Victoria's Christmas Day dinner?
Q.21. Which of these ports should always be decanted - tawny, vintage or ruby?
Q.22. What is the common name for the evergreen plant Ilex aquifolium?
Q.2. Usually shown on T.V. at Christmas, the film Scrooge is based on which Charles Dickens novel?
Q.3. What was the name of Scrooges' partner (who visited Scrooge as a ghost)?
Q.4. Who was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066?
Q.5. In Cockney rhyming slang, what are "mince pies"? .
Q.6. ”The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes" is a line from which Christmas carol? .
Q.7. What were the names of the three wise men?
Q.8. What did my true love give to me on the 5th day of Christmas?
Q.9 On the 12th day of Christmas what was the TOTAL number of "items" my true love gave to me? .
Q.10. which saints were the parents of the Virgin Mary?
Q.11 Christmas Island in the Pacific belongs to which country's administration?
Q 12. On which date is Epiphany celebrated in the traditional Western Calendar?
Q.13. Traditional in Germany at Christmas, what sort of food is stollen?
Q.14. Which 2 pop musicians wrote "Do they know it's Christmas?" in 1984?
Q.15. What is the birthstone of anyone born in December? ]
Q.16. Where did the domesticated turkey, traditionally eaten at Christmas, originate? .
Q.17. By which familiar names are olibanum and opopanax known
Q.18.Which comedian said "Santa Claus had the right idea - visit people only once a year"?
Q.19. How many main arms does a snowflake have?
Q.20. Which meat was always roasted for Queen Victoria's Christmas Day dinner?
Q.21. Which of these ports should always be decanted - tawny, vintage or ruby?
Q.22. What is the common name for the evergreen plant Ilex aquifolium?
Q.23. Which biblical event is commemorated by Twelfth Night?
Q.24.What are used as candle-holders at Christingle services?
Q.25.Which is the driest champagne - sec, brut or demi-sec?
Send your answers by e-mail to info@hotelgarbe.com before 3.00pm on 26th December, 2008 - all correct entries will be placed in a draw. The first one drawn will win a weekend for two in the Hotel Garbe. Answers will be posted in early January.
Our thanks to Mrs. Anne Shiel for submitting this quiz.
Boxing Day Dinner
Friday 26th December 2008
19.30 hrs
Sopa de Cogumelos
Mushroom Soup
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Green and Mixed of Salads
Espelho de Carnes Frias Sortidas
A Platter of Assorted Cold Meat
Rolinhos de “Red Fish” com Quivi
Paupiettes of Red Fish with Kiwi
Supremos de Línguado com Amêndoa Algarvia
Suprêmes of Sole with Almonds
Peito de Pato com Molho Agridoce
Breast of Duck served with a Sweet and Sour Sauce
Bifinhos Grelhados com Manteiga de Alho
Grilled Minute Steaks served with Garlic Butter
“Penne Rigate” com Molho Natas e Ervas
Oven Baked Pasta with Cream and Herb Sauce
Doces Variados e Fruta da Época
Selection of Desserts and Fresh Fruit
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
19.30 hrs
Sopa de Cogumelos
Mushroom Soup
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Green and Mixed of Salads
Espelho de Carnes Frias Sortidas
A Platter of Assorted Cold Meat
Rolinhos de “Red Fish” com Quivi
Paupiettes of Red Fish with Kiwi
Supremos de Línguado com Amêndoa Algarvia
Suprêmes of Sole with Almonds
Peito de Pato com Molho Agridoce
Breast of Duck served with a Sweet and Sour Sauce
Bifinhos Grelhados com Manteiga de Alho
Grilled Minute Steaks served with Garlic Butter
“Penne Rigate” com Molho Natas e Ervas
Oven Baked Pasta with Cream and Herb Sauce
Doces Variados e Fruta da Época
Selection of Desserts and Fresh Fruit
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
Royal British Legion Christmas Lunch
A few photos from the Royal British Legion Christmas lunch which took place here yesterday.

The Algarve Sub-Branch now has a membership of 150 and meets the 3rd. Wednesday of every month at Hotel Garbe for lunch. All visiting RBL members are welcome and please join us in the Bar for pre-lunch drinks at mid-day. For more information please contact Mr. Peter Wilkinson at thewilkinsons@iol.pt. More photos can be seen here
Christmas Day Gala Dinner
Thursday 25th December 2008
19.30 hrs
Créme Princesa
Cream of Asparagus
Rolinhos de Peixe Galo Recheados com Bacon
Paupiettes of John Dory stuffed with Bacon
Tranches de Cherne com Molho de Alperce
Sea Bass with Apricot Sauce
Perú Assado com Salsichas e Castanhas Caramelizadas
Succulent Roast Turkey with Sausages and Caramelized Chestnuts
Medalhões de Novilho com Molho Cogumelos Perfumado com Vinho do Porto
Medallions of Veal served with Mushrooms and a Porto Wine Sauce
Tagliatelle com Molho Primavera
Tagliatelle with a ”Primavera” Sauce
Espelho de Salmão Fumado
Smoked Salmon
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Pudim de Natal
Traditional Christmas Pudding served with Brandy and Orange Sauce
Sobremesas Tradicionais de Natal
A choice of Portuguese Christmas Desserts
Café & Petit Fours no Bar
Coffee & Petit Fours in the Bar
Vinho Tinto ou Branco
Red or White Wine
Visita Especial do Pai Natal
Special appearance by Father Christmas
19.30 hrs
Créme Princesa
Cream of Asparagus
Rolinhos de Peixe Galo Recheados com Bacon
Paupiettes of John Dory stuffed with Bacon
Tranches de Cherne com Molho de Alperce
Sea Bass with Apricot Sauce
Perú Assado com Salsichas e Castanhas Caramelizadas
Succulent Roast Turkey with Sausages and Caramelized Chestnuts
Medalhões de Novilho com Molho Cogumelos Perfumado com Vinho do Porto
Medallions of Veal served with Mushrooms and a Porto Wine Sauce
Tagliatelle com Molho Primavera
Tagliatelle with a ”Primavera” Sauce
Espelho de Salmão Fumado
Smoked Salmon
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Pudim de Natal
Traditional Christmas Pudding served with Brandy and Orange Sauce
Sobremesas Tradicionais de Natal
A choice of Portuguese Christmas Desserts
Café & Petit Fours no Bar
Coffee & Petit Fours in the Bar
Vinho Tinto ou Branco
Red or White Wine
Visita Especial do Pai Natal
Special appearance by Father Christmas
Coming Hypnosis Workshop - Wednesday, 14th January
Have you ever wondered how hypnosis works?
Would you like to be more motivated, focused or relaxed in all you do?
As you read this will you find your curiosity growing?
Tony Westwood, International Speaker, Hypnotist and Golf Professional has combined his years of experience from the golfing world and his understanding of hypnosis to create a unique learning experience.
You can begin to think yourself better by understanding how your mind actually works.
When you buy a computer it comes with a manual in many languages to help you understand how the computer works.
The computer in your head is many, many more times powerful than any computer ever created by man and no one has ever been given a user manual for their brain.
These workshops will help you understand how to control your thinking in life by learning how your conscious and unconscious minds actually communicate.
To find out how you can attend a workshop and learn more call:00 (351) 910 960 464 or e-mail hypnogolf@gmail.comNEXT WORKSHOP: Hotel Garbe, Armacao de Pera
DATE: Wednesday 14th January, 2009
TIME: 19:00COST: 15 euros
Would you like to be more motivated, focused or relaxed in all you do?
As you read this will you find your curiosity growing?
Tony Westwood, International Speaker, Hypnotist and Golf Professional has combined his years of experience from the golfing world and his understanding of hypnosis to create a unique learning experience.
You can begin to think yourself better by understanding how your mind actually works.
When you buy a computer it comes with a manual in many languages to help you understand how the computer works.
The computer in your head is many, many more times powerful than any computer ever created by man and no one has ever been given a user manual for their brain.
These workshops will help you understand how to control your thinking in life by learning how your conscious and unconscious minds actually communicate.
To find out how you can attend a workshop and learn more call:00 (351) 910 960 464 or e-mail hypnogolf@gmail.comNEXT WORKSHOP: Hotel Garbe, Armacao de Pera
DATE: Wednesday 14th January, 2009
TIME: 19:00COST: 15 euros
Murder Mystery Dinners at the Hotel Garbe
Following the great success of the Murder Mystery Dinner in November - please see photos here, three more have already been planned for 2009.
16th January - Murder at the Country Club - details below
30th January - Murder on the Silver Screen
13th February - Murder on the Silver Screen
The time is the present, the place is the Country Club Hotel, where John Dosh the millionaire owner has invited his staff to a wine tasting. But, before the corks were drawn John Dosh was found murdered in the wine cellar!
He thought he could trust his employees, so who gave him his P45?
Join the party to solve the Murder at The Country Club.
The evenings cost 29 euros per person, please book your table or individual places at least 2 weeks prior to be able to receive your invitation with the part you will play and get together your costume (nothing outlandish, as they are all staff of the Country Club).
Proceeds of the evening will go to APAA. (Association for Protection of Animals Algarve)
16th January - Murder at the Country Club - details below
30th January - Murder on the Silver Screen
13th February - Murder on the Silver Screen
Who Murdered John Dosh?
The time is the present, the place is the Country Club Hotel, where John Dosh the millionaire owner has invited his staff to a wine tasting. But, before the corks were drawn John Dosh was found murdered in the wine cellar!
He thought he could trust his employees, so who gave him his P45?
Join the party to solve the Murder at The Country Club.
The evenings cost 29 euros per person, please book your table or individual places at least 2 weeks prior to be able to receive your invitation with the part you will play and get together your costume (nothing outlandish, as they are all staff of the Country Club).
Proceeds of the evening will go to APAA. (Association for Protection of Animals Algarve)
Christmas Programme - Welcome Dinner
Tuesday 23rd December 2008
19.30 hrs
Créme de Abobora com Cebolinho
Cream of Pumpkin Soup with Baby Onions
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Seasonal Salads
Espelho de Muchelitos
Deep Fried Crab Claws
Tranches de Pescada com Molho de Crustácios
Slices of Hake with Seafood Sauce
Posta de Espadarte Grelhada com Ananás
Grilled Swordfish with Pineapple
Lombo de Porco Recheado com Espargos
Roast Loin of Pork stuffed with Asparagus
Perninhas de Frango à “Boujolais”
Legs of Chicken with Wild Berries
Fussilli com Molho Tomate e Pesto
Fusilli with Tomato and Pesto Sauce
Fruta da Época e Doces Variados
Fresh Fruit and Choice of Desserts
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
19.30 hrs
Créme de Abobora com Cebolinho
Cream of Pumpkin Soup with Baby Onions
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Seasonal Salads
Espelho de Muchelitos
Deep Fried Crab Claws
Tranches de Pescada com Molho de Crustácios
Slices of Hake with Seafood Sauce
Posta de Espadarte Grelhada com Ananás
Grilled Swordfish with Pineapple
Lombo de Porco Recheado com Espargos
Roast Loin of Pork stuffed with Asparagus
Perninhas de Frango à “Boujolais”
Legs of Chicken with Wild Berries
Fussilli com Molho Tomate e Pesto
Fusilli with Tomato and Pesto Sauce
Fruta da Época e Doces Variados
Fresh Fruit and Choice of Desserts
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
Theatre Dinner - 4th and 5th March, 2008
Raj Indian Restaurant
A light comedy
Nick Warburton
Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th March, 2009
7.00 for 7.30 pm
Only 30,00 Euros per person
3 Course Indian Dinner with Wine and Coffee
Don’t miss it book now.
Hotel Garbe, Armação de Pêra
Tel.282 320260 Fax: 282 315087
E-Mail hotelgarbe@mail.telepac.pt Web:-www.hotel garbe.com
A light comedy
Nick Warburton
Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th March, 2009
7.00 for 7.30 pm
Only 30,00 Euros per person
3 Course Indian Dinner with Wine and Coffee
Don’t miss it book now.
Hotel Garbe, Armação de Pêra
Tel.282 320260 Fax: 282 315087
E-Mail hotelgarbe@mail.telepac.pt Web:-www.hotel garbe.com
Christmas Eve Dinner Menu
Wednesday 24th December 2008
19.30 hrs
Sopa de Grão com Frango
Chickpea Soup with Chicken
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Salads
Espelho de Presunto
Smoked Ham
Filetes de Limanda com Salmão e Uvas
Rock Sole Fillets with Salmon and Grapes
Tranches de Salmão Grelhadas à Grenoblesa
Fillets of Salmon “Grenobloise”
Perna de Borrego Assada no Forno com Molho Menta
Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce
Rósbife com Molho de Vinho Tinto
Roast Beef served with a Red Wine Sauce
Lacinhos à Bolonhesa
Oven Baked Pasta with Bolognaise Sauce
Doces Variados ou Fruta da Época
Selection of Home Made Desserts or Fresh Fruit
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
Wednesday 24th December 2008
19.30 hrs
Sopa de Grão com Frango
Chickpea Soup with Chicken
Saladas à Escolha
Selection of Salads
Espelho de Presunto
Smoked Ham
Filetes de Limanda com Salmão e Uvas
Rock Sole Fillets with Salmon and Grapes
Tranches de Salmão Grelhadas à Grenoblesa
Fillets of Salmon “Grenobloise”
Perna de Borrego Assada no Forno com Molho Menta
Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce
Rósbife com Molho de Vinho Tinto
Roast Beef served with a Red Wine Sauce
Lacinhos à Bolonhesa
Oven Baked Pasta with Bolognaise Sauce
Doces Variados ou Fruta da Época
Selection of Home Made Desserts or Fresh Fruit
Tábua de Queijos
Cheese Board
Vinho Branco ou Tinto
Red or White Wine
30 Euros per person
Theatre Dinner - 21st and 22nd January
Raj at Garbe Indian Restaurant
“Snakes and Ladders”
written by
Nicky Moran
Nicky Moran
A reformed bag lady - Margaret Draper ( 65 years) coming to terms
with living in shelterd accommodation.
Midge Ridgley
Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd January, 2009
7.00 for 7.30 pm
3 Course Indian Dinner
with Wine and Coffee
30,00 Euros per person
Don’t miss it book now.
Tel.282 320260 - Fax: 282 315087 - E-Mail: mail@hotelgarbe.com
“Snakes and Ladders”
written by
Nicky Moran
Nicky Moran
A reformed bag lady - Margaret Draper ( 65 years) coming to terms
with living in shelterd accommodation.
Midge Ridgley
Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd January, 2009
7.00 for 7.30 pm
3 Course Indian Dinner
with Wine and Coffee
30,00 Euros per person
Don’t miss it book now.
Tel.282 320260 - Fax: 282 315087 - E-Mail: mail@hotelgarbe.com
November Photography Competition

Congratulations to Philip Kinder who has won our November Photography Competition.
Our Judge, Adrian Bell, an experienced wedding and portrait photographer comments:-
This month the winner is number 9 - the Christmas Penguins walking on the beach towards the Hotel. Although not technically a good image, the photographer has moved on from just shooting what is there and (I presume) he has taken control by setting out the Penguins to create a compelling and humorous story.
Highly Commended are, 13 a view of the beach with an interesting foreground, 17 the sea view and lampost in sparkly light, 21 and 22 the old railings and shutters (with cat).
I also loved 18 the close up of the family in a colourful fishing boat but it looks like a very small image file and is therefore probably of poor quality.
I also loved 18 the close up of the family in a colourful fishing boat but it looks like a very small image file and is therefore probably of poor quality.
Our thanks to everyone who participated in the NovemberPhotography Competition click here to see all entries.
Also thanks to Adrian Bell for judging each month. Adrian is an experienced wedding and portrait photographer and is Director of http://www.hi-impactphotography.com/ here in the Algarve. The company specialises in Commercial Images for the Real Estate industry creating high quality photography that sells property.
Please send entries for our December competition before closing date - 31st December. For more information please click here

Christmas Day Swim for Shoes
We are doing it again!!!
Where will you be on Christmas Day?
The place to be will be on the beach at Armacao de Pera in front of the Hotel Garbe with other adventurous people willing to go for a paddle or a swim in the Atlantic Ocean to help raise money for the Swim for Shoes Appeal
All you need to do is turn up at 11.00 a.m on Christmas Day with swimwear, towel and go in for a full swim or just a paddle – the choice is yours as long as part of you gets wet! Then we can all recover in the Hotel Garbe bar with a Hot Toddy on Christmas Day and hot chocolate on New Years Day, generously donated by The Hotel Garbe, to everyone who has taken part.
Buying shoes for the children who are in care is an ongoing expense and we want to help as many as possible start 2009 with a new pair of shoes. Each child of school age needs a pair of gym shoes and a pair of trainers. Whilst some clothes can be second hand owning a pair of new shoes helps to ensure the children feel good and fit in at school.Adults and children are all welcome to take part on the understanding that you do so at your own risk. If you have family and friends staying over the festive season it will certainly be something different to do!
The total raised for the swims on Christmas Day and New Years Day was over € 1,700.00 .
This was all given to pay for school shoes for the teenagers at A Gaivota in Albufeira which is run by the Santa Casa da Misericordia. The children have asked for their thanks to be sent to all who took part . The girls and boys really enjoyed choosing their own shoes as this was the first time they had been able to do so. In the shoe shop the girls kept bumping into girls from their school doing the same thing with their mums.
If you would like to see some photographs of the Christmas Day Swim, 2007 please go to http://picasaweb.google.com/HotelGarbe/SwimForShoesChristmasDay2007#
On Christmas Day we hope people will come with either a Santa outfit or hat which are in some stores now . Buy yours now before stocks run out. We will have a limited supply of outfits and hats for sale on the day. If we can raise more money this year then we can extend the scheme to other homes.
You will have another opportunity to Swim for Shoes on New Years Day but this time we hope to see you there in fancy dress so start planning your outfit now. As this is a charity event we will gratefully accept all donations offered
Coming up - Lecture - A Gardener's Life
Monday, 19th January, 2009 - 7.30pm.
A talk by Alan Mason NDT. F. Inst G. Dip Hort. M.I. Hort, garden designer and broadcaster
Alan has presented television programmes for 20 years. He is a founder member of the Professional Gardener's Guild and spent the early part of his career as Head Gardener at British Stately homes. He lectures and judges the show gardens at the prestigious Sandringham Flower show.
This talk revisits some of the gardens and gardeners he has met during his career and takes us on a tour around Europe.
Informative and humorous, it's all part of A Gardener's Life.
Tickets are available at 10 Euros per person.Includes coffee
Don't miss it
For more information contact Vicki Good on 282 320260 or e-mail mailto:info@hotelgarbe.com
A talk by Alan Mason NDT. F. Inst G. Dip Hort. M.I. Hort, garden designer and broadcaster
Alan has presented television programmes for 20 years. He is a founder member of the Professional Gardener's Guild and spent the early part of his career as Head Gardener at British Stately homes. He lectures and judges the show gardens at the prestigious Sandringham Flower show.
This talk revisits some of the gardens and gardeners he has met during his career and takes us on a tour around Europe.
Informative and humorous, it's all part of A Gardener's Life.
Tickets are available at 10 Euros per person.Includes coffee
Don't miss it
For more information contact Vicki Good on 282 320260 or e-mail mailto:info@hotelgarbe.com
Is this your shopping?
Theatre Dinner “Snakes and Ladders”
Christmas Fayre Quiz Answers
1. Who discovered and named Christmas Island on December 25th 1777?
Answer – Captain James Cook
2. What would your star sign be if born on Christmas Day?
Answer – Capricorn
3. What is the capital of Turkey?
Answer – Ankara
4. In which city is Wenceslas Square?
Answer – Prague
5. Which song contains the line, “He’s making a list and checking it twice”?
Answer – Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Congratulations to John Brancker who won a weekend for two at the Hotel Garbe. His correct entry was the first to be drawn out.
Answer – Captain James Cook
2. What would your star sign be if born on Christmas Day?
Answer – Capricorn
3. What is the capital of Turkey?
Answer – Ankara
4. In which city is Wenceslas Square?
Answer – Prague
5. Which song contains the line, “He’s making a list and checking it twice”?
Answer – Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Congratulations to John Brancker who won a weekend for two at the Hotel Garbe. His correct entry was the first to be drawn out.
What's On - Bar Boa Vista - December, 2008
Monday, 1st December –Christmas Fayre – 11.00-17.00hrs
Monday, 1st December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Tuesday, 2nd December - Arte Viva - Music For Dancing
Wednesday, 3rd December - João Caracol- Music For Dancing
Thursday, 4th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Friday, 5th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Saturday, 6th December - Sandra & Jorge- Music For Dancing-
Sunday, 7th December - Carlos Pontes - Music For Dancing
Monday, 8th December - Folklore Dancers – 9.30pm
Tuesday, 9th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Wednesday, 10th December - João Caracol- Music For Dancing,
Thursday, 11th December - Ilze- Singer
Friday, 12th December - Xico - Guitar Player
Saturday, 13th December - Sandra & Jorge- Music For Dancing
Sunday, 14th December - Presumed Innocent - Dancers
Monday, 15th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Tuesday, 16th December - Arte Viva - Music For Dancing
Wednesday, 17th December - João Caracol- Music For Dancing
Thursday, 18th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Friday, 19th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Saturday, 20th December- Sandra & Jorge- Music For Dancing-
Sunday, 21st December - Carlos Pontes - Music For Dancing
Monday, 22nd December - Folklore Dancers – 9.30pm
Tuesday, 23rd December –Mulled Wine, Mince Pies And Carol Singing
Tuesday, 23rd December -Nuno- Resident Organist – Dancing In The Bar
Wednesday, 24th December - João Caracol –Dancing In The Bar
Thursday, 25th December - Christmas Day Dip In The Sea For Charity
Thursday, 25th December - Ilze- Singer- Dancing In The Bar
Friday, 26th December - Xico - Guitar Player – Dancing In The Bar
Saturday, 27th December- Sandra & Jorge- Music For Dancing
Sunday, 28th December - Nuno- Resident Organist – Dancing In The Bar
Monday, 29th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Tuesday, 30th December - “Out Of Africa” Fancy Dress Night
Wednesday, 31st December – New Years’s Eve Gala Dinner With Presumed Innocent
Monday, 1st December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Tuesday, 2nd December - Arte Viva - Music For Dancing
Wednesday, 3rd December - João Caracol- Music For Dancing
Thursday, 4th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Friday, 5th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Saturday, 6th December - Sandra & Jorge- Music For Dancing-
Sunday, 7th December - Carlos Pontes - Music For Dancing
Monday, 8th December - Folklore Dancers – 9.30pm
Tuesday, 9th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Wednesday, 10th December - João Caracol- Music For Dancing,
Thursday, 11th December - Ilze- Singer
Friday, 12th December - Xico - Guitar Player
Saturday, 13th December - Sandra & Jorge- Music For Dancing
Sunday, 14th December - Presumed Innocent - Dancers
Monday, 15th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Tuesday, 16th December - Arte Viva - Music For Dancing
Wednesday, 17th December - João Caracol- Music For Dancing
Thursday, 18th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Friday, 19th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Saturday, 20th December- Sandra & Jorge- Music For Dancing-
Sunday, 21st December - Carlos Pontes - Music For Dancing
Monday, 22nd December - Folklore Dancers – 9.30pm
Tuesday, 23rd December –Mulled Wine, Mince Pies And Carol Singing
Tuesday, 23rd December -Nuno- Resident Organist – Dancing In The Bar
Wednesday, 24th December - João Caracol –Dancing In The Bar
Thursday, 25th December - Christmas Day Dip In The Sea For Charity
Thursday, 25th December - Ilze- Singer- Dancing In The Bar
Friday, 26th December - Xico - Guitar Player – Dancing In The Bar
Saturday, 27th December- Sandra & Jorge- Music For Dancing
Sunday, 28th December - Nuno- Resident Organist – Dancing In The Bar
Monday, 29th December - Nuno - Resident Organist
Tuesday, 30th December - “Out Of Africa” Fancy Dress Night
Wednesday, 31st December – New Years’s Eve Gala Dinner With Presumed Innocent
Bar “Boa Vista”- 9.00pm - Happy Hour Every Day From 6.00 To 8.00pm
The Facilities And Entertainment Featured May Change Without Notice
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