Illustrated Talk on Garden Design - Hints for ´Plantaholics´
At the Hotel Garbe, Armacao de Pera
10.30 Coffee and Welcome
11.00am Talk followed by Question & Answer Session
12.30 Lunch & Afternoon Garden Visit - to be confirmed
Are you a Plantaholic ? join your fellow sufferers and find out how to get help for your problem ! All too often we rush into buying/growing that gorgeous looking plant we have seen in books, at garden centres or in other gardens. However, when we are wandering round our own garden, with the pot in our hand, the problems start. Come and hear some hints on how to make spaces fit for those *must have* plants. Mediterranean Garden Society members free, non-members 5 euros per person excluding lunch. For further information & to book your place please contact Rosie Peddle Tel: 289 791 869 email: rosie@thebtf.net by 7th Feb.
Garden Design and Appreciation courses run by Alan Mason are being held on the Algarve this winter. Alan is one of the most experienced and best qualified garden designers in Europe. He is a Royal Horticultural Society speaker and regularly gives lectures to groups regionally, nationally and internationally. A course will be held at the Hotel Garbe, Armaçao de Pera, central Algarve and is open to non-residents. The course runs from 4-11 February 2007 and will be tutored by Alan Mason & Marylyn Webb. www.gardenexpert.com The course will be four 2 1/2 hour sessions with garden visits. Contact Vicki Good www.hotelgarbe.com or tel. 282 320260 for more information.
Contributed by Rosie Peddle
TGIF Lunch - Last Friday
Roy Whitehouse of WIS International (pictured here) gave an entertaining and informative talk about Data Protection, Grey Markets and Misrepresentation.
The Resident Newspaper has introduced this series of lunches – TGIF (Thank Goodness it is Friday!) which will all be held
here at The Hotel Garbe in Armação de Pêra on the fourth Friday of each month with the exception of July, August and December.
The aim is to bring business people an opportunity to network, as well as the change to hear a lively and informative speaker speaker.
Friday, 23rd February - John Westwood, of Blacktower Financial Management Ltd., will be the speaker and John's talk will be on Equity Release and Home Reversion : 24 euros per person.
Theatre Dinner Review - Contributed
Review of "Big Cats"
Live theatre is always a joy and the Algarve is lucky to have Susan Jefferies and Victor Graham from the Jefferies English Theatre visit and perform in the winter.
Written by Alec Baron the star roles were taken by Suzanne and Victor being "husband" Joe and wife Lily. The social worker Ann was played by Diane Cantillon Ings. She gave a typical social workers performance. The play was based in Lily's council house. Lily is in dire straits for money and is constantly talking to Joe.
Letters from the council arrive informing Lily her home is to be demolished. She just tears them up refusing to accept the inevitable and of course not wanting to leave Joe behind.
Several scene's later and following the social workers visit it becomes apparent that Joe is no longer with us. Lily is talking all the time to his ghost/spirit. At the eleventh hour Lily in fact agrees to move on to another abode leaving Joe in the home to be demolished the following day.
A good performance by all concerned .
The next Theatre Dinners are on Wednesday, 28th February and Thursday, 1st March when two comedies "Thicker that Water" and "Would you like a cup of Tea" will be performed. Early booking is advised. Tel: 282 320260 E.mail:info@hotelgarbe.com
New - Weekend Course

17th and 18th March 2007
To understand the culture of a country you need know its history, or at least some of it. The objective of this course is to tell you about the history and the development of Portugal throughout the years and how that affects the country’s culture and mentality.
Hand in hand with the history and culture is a language as unique as any Latin language.
Learning Portuguese can become an interesting challenge but the idea of this weekend is to learn the basics, common expressions, building sentences and conversational Portuguese.
We will use role-play activities, games and many other learning activities.
Join us and get to know the real Portugal
The programme for the weekend is as follows:
1pm -Lunch
2pm to 5pm – Including a coffee break
10am to 1pm - Including a coffee break
For more information or to book - please send e-mail to info@hotelgarbe.com
Network January Meeting
Romantic Dinner for Valentines Day

The Royal British Legion January Lunch
All visiting RBL members are welcome and please join us in the Bar for pre-lunch drinks at mid-day. Please contact Mr. Peter Wilkinson at thewilkinsons@iol.pt
One Day Creative Writing Course - New
10.00am – 4.30pm
Do you like love to write but feel you need a little guidance?
Do you sometimes want to put an idea on paper but cannot get started?
Why not join one of the writing courses being held at the hotel and learn a few of the ways that professional writers approach their work with published writer and journalist Jenny Grainer.
In Jenny’s opinion nobody can teach a person how to write, it has to come from within, but joining a writing course and sitting amongst like-minded people can be inspirational. With just a few explanations of how to present an article or write a short story, students are often amazed as the veils, blinding them from letting their natural talents to show through, are lifted away.
Start that book or your memoirs for future generations to remember you by.
Price per person - €:60.00
All Welcome!
For to book or for further information please contact Jenny Grainer on 282 381201
Learn Portuguese - Every Thursday
6.45 - 7.15 - "Learn some useful words and phrases in Portuguese (No charge for Hotel Garbe Guests)
7.30 - 8.30 Beginners Group for Residents
For more information please contact Ana on 968905103
Thank you for your Comments - 15/01
Sent: sábado, 13 de Janeiro de 2007 15:37
To: hotelgarbe@mail.telepac.pt
Subject: RE: Thank You
Thanks to all the staff at the Garbe for making our stay so enjoyable (16th to 27th December – Room 600). As usual the food and service were excellent, it is always good to see guests from previous years and the weather was wonderful.
We are planning to come back again for Christmas this year and will be in touch once we have the dates.
I hope you have a happy and healthy 2007.
Kind regards
Linda and Doug Jackson
Maurice 'T' Art Exhibition
Please visit to admire his realistic works of the Algarve Scenes that he loved.
It will be in the Chelb Room on the 1st Floor of the Hotel Garbe.
National Bank Holidays in Portugal - 2007
Tuesday 20th February - Carnival
Friday 6th April - Good Friday
Sunday 8th April - Easter Day
Wednesday 25th April - Dia da Liberdade
Tuesday 1st May - Dia do Trabalhador
Thursday 7th June - Corpo de Deus
Sunday 10th June - Dia de Portugal
Wednesday 15th August - Assunção de Nª Senhora
Friday 5th October - Implementação da Republica
Thursday 1st November - All Saints Day
Saturday 1st December - Restauração da Independência.
Saturday 8th December - Imaculada Conceição
Tuesday 25th December - Christmas Day
Hotel Garbe - Calendar of Events - 2007
Wednesday - 24th January - Theatre Dinner Raj Indian Restaurant
Thursday - 25th January - Theatre Dinner - Raj Indian Restaurant
Friday, 26th January, 2007 - TGIF Lunch
Wednesday, 14th February - Valentines Day Dinner
Saturday, 17th February - Carnival Fancy Dress
Friday, 23rd February, 2007 - TGIF Lunch - Equity Release
Wednesday, 28th February - Theatre Dinner - Raj Indian Restaurant
Thursday, 1st March - Theatre Dinner Raj Indian Restaurant
Thursday, 8th March - Hunger Lunch
Friday, 23rd March - TGIF Lunch
Tuesday, 27th March - Theatre Dinner - Raj Indian Restaurant
Wednesday, 28th March - Theatre Dinner - Raj Indian Restaurant
Saturday, 31st March - Bombeiros Fund Raising Dinner
Friday, 13th April - Friday the Thirteenth
Tuesday, 17th April - 2007 Algarve Ladies Lunch
Saturday, 21st April - Bombeiros Fund Raising Dinner
Friday, 27th April, 2007 - TGIF Lunch - Making that Important Sale
Friday, 25th May, 2007 - Health, Safety and Hygiene at Work
Wednesday, 6th June, 2007 - History of the Harp
Thursday, 7th June, 2007 - History of the Harp
Friday, 22nd June, 2007 - TGIF Lunch - Your Company Image
Friday, 28th September, 2007 - TGIF Lunch - Portugal Then and Now
Friday, 26th October, 2007 - TGIF Lunch - Employment Law
Friday, 30th November, 2007 - TGIF Lunch - Are you and your Company ready for Retirement?
Other Events
Tuesday, 13th February -Talk on Garden Design - Hints for ´Plantaholics´
Tuesday, 20th February - Pancake Races on the beach of Armacao de Pera
Wednesday, 21st Feburary - Book Signing - “Mother Killers” by Dr. John Piper
Saturday, 1st December - Christmas Fair
Tuesday, 25th December - Christmas Day Swim for Shoes
Tuesday, 1st January, 2008 - New Years Day Swim for Shoes
3rd and 4th February - Maurice 'T' Art Exhibition
Saturday and Sunday, 28th and 29th April -Art Exhibition
5th, 6th, 7th and 8th February Garden Design and Appreciation
Wednesday, 7th February An Introduction to Travel Photography
12th and 13th February Introduction to Portuguese Wine
Wednesday, 21st Feburary An Introduction to Travel Photography
Saturday, 24th February - 1 day Creative Writing course
26th, 27th February and 1st and 2nd March - Introduction to the Plants and Flowers of Southern Europe
Wednesday, 7th March An Introduction to Travel Photography
12th, 13th, 15th and 16th March - Creative Writing Course
12th, 13th, 14th and 16th March - Painting Course
12th and 13th March Introduction to Portuguese Wine
Wednesday, 21st March An Introduction to Travel Photography
Wednesday, 4th April - Introduction to Travel Photography Course
TGIF lunches
Here are the details:-
Come and join us at the first of a series of lunches aimed at you, the business person. You will have the opportunity to network with other local business people. You will learn about issues which affect the way in which you do business. You will meet those running associations which may help you in your day to day business dealings.
We are starting this year with an issue which affects all those in business, those running associations and indeed us as individuals (shouldn't we know how much information can be retained by others about us?).
As we start a new year, one of our resolutions should be to ensure that we know how the Data Protection Act affects us.
Do you know what the law says about Data Protection and the type of company you are running or the type of service you are offering?
What do you know about the growth in the Grey Market – how will this affect you and your company?
Roy Whitehouse of WIS International will talk about Data Protection, Grey Markets and Misrepresentation.
WHEN: FRIDAY JANUARY 26, 2007 – 12.15pm for 1pm Lunch
PRICE: 24 euros
HOW TO BOOK: e-mail: tgif@portugalresident.com – don’t forget to state how many people you are booking for and their names.
Raj at Garbe - Theatre Dinner
Suzanne Jefferies
Victor Graham
Diane Cantillon Ings
Wednesday 24th January 2007
Thursday 25th January 2007
7.00 for 7.30 pm
3 Course Indian Dinner
with Wine and Coffee
28,00 Euros per person
Don’t miss it book now.
From our Golf Desk
To: 'Golf Desk'
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:57 PM
Subject: Thank you
Dear Jane & Helen
Barbara & I would like to thank everyone at the Garbe for making our New Year break so pleasant. We really did have a great week, enjoying the food the sun & especially the golf.
The staff in every part of the Hotel were brilliant & took pleasure in helping everyone.
See you soon!!
Ray & Barbara
Hawiian Night - 30th December
The night before New Years Eve saw plenty of ‘Alohas’ as Waikiki beach came to the Garbe for the Hawaiian fancy dress night.
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If you didn’t take part this year give it go next time!
My thanks also go to all of you who generously dug into your pockets after the Xmas and new year day swim for shoes when I came round rattling the bucket, it helped us raise a wonderful amount for the children to get new shoes. Have a great 2007 !!!!
Jeanette Elliot
Thank you for your comments
Just a quick e-mail to thank you and ALL THE STAFF at the Garbe for another wonderful New Year's Eve celebration.
The food was superb, the music wonderful and everyone was very jolly and kind.
Please note that we went into the sea (albeit up to our ankles) which is a FIRST for me but anything to help raise money for the kids.
By the way the Indian Buffet at the Christmas Fair was absolutely lovely.
A very happy New Year to everyone and thanks once again.
Best wishes
Mary King
2nd Annual Shoebox Drive for the Elderly
More funds were raised at the Spirit of Network Christmas Fair
Swim for Shoes
1st January, 2007
From Swim for Shoe... |
The weather on New Years Day surpassed all expectations and brought more that 200 people to the beach of Armacao de Pera.Many were in fancy dress which added to the exhilarating atmosphere
As one swimmer said it was not only a good way to raise funds for charity, but also a fun way to start 2007. The water was warm and after a stirring chorus of Auld Lang Syne the hooter blew and the swimmers all ran down to the water.
Adding to the excitement, were the film crew from TVI - who filmed the whole event and interviewed a number of participants. This brought a lot of national attention to the event when it was shown on their News Programme.
From Swim for Shoe... |
The money will be going to buy shoes during the year for the teenagers at A Gaivota, Santa Casa in Albufeira. Each child at school needs a pair of trainers and plimsolls and the excellent amount raised means that all the teenagers will be fully kitted out.
Verna Kinder and Vicki Good would like to thank all those who took part and all those who watched. Thanks also go to Dean Lindermann for taking photographs on both days which were then sold to raise money for the fund, and Peter Phelan who filmed the whole event on Christmas Day and loaded it on the Internet to enable the participants to relive their experience. Also we would like to thank all those who helped us to publicise this event.
The film can be seen at http://hotelgarbe.prophoto-international.com/ and some of the photos on and http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/home and http://www.armacaodepera.com/ Take a look and mark the dates in your diary for next year.
Swim for Shoes - WineMine Raffle

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Browne who were the winners.
New Years Eve Gala Dinner
Our Por do Sol Restaurant was decorated for the occasion.
Starting at 8.30pm the event continued well past midnight.
Seafood Platter
Roast Suckling Pig
Variety of Fine Cheeses
Medallions of Hake with Spinach
Stone Bass Fillets “Ratatouille”
Stuffed Salmon with Sea Food Sauce
Grilled Veal Medallions with Mushroom Sauce
Grilled “Picanha”
Grilled Breast of Chicken with Piri Piri Sauce
Pork Loin stuffed with Plums
Selection of Desserts and Fresh Fruit
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From New Years Eve... |
After Midnight
“Caldo Verde” & Selection of Salads
White Wine and Red Wine «« Champagne at Midnight
Dancing to Live Music and Live Dance Show
From New Years Eve... |
Christmas Quiz Answers
St. Nicholas
2. Boxing Day is also the Holy day for which Saint?
St. Stephen
3. "Something stupid" was a Chrismas hit in 2001. Who sang it originally?
Frank and Nancy Sinatra
4. Who introduced Christmas trees to England?
Prince Albert
5. Which actor played The Grinch in 2001?
Jim Carey
6. How many drummers were drumming in the "Twelve Days of Christmas"?
7. On what date is Epiphany?
6th January
8. What are the names of the three Kings?
Balthasar and Gaspar & Melcher
9 How many times is the word Christmas mentioned in the song "Jingle Bells"?
10. Who was crowned King of England on Christmas day 1066?
William The Conqueror
Thank you to all who sent in answers. Entries will all correct answers were placed in a draw.
Our Congratulations to Mrs. Britten whose entry was was the first one drawn. Mrs. Britten has won a weekend for two people in the Hotel Garbe.
January Courses
Painting Course - 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th January
Each painting course consists of four 3-hour sessions. Colourful fishing boats, crystalline waters, white washed old houses on narrow cobble stones streets, wrapped in magnificent light makes Algarve an artist’s dream spot. Beginner or experienced artists will benefit from such an inspiration which will be guided by the experienced instructor Manuela Vale on a one to one basis with an introduction lecture to the relevant points on painting on location. Special attention will be placed on perspective, hue, colour temperature and above all light. 180 Euros per person. If you choose to have materials included (canvas board, and acrylics) it will be an additional 20 Euros. Special rate for overnight accommodation - 21 Euros per person per night sharing twin landview room to include breakfast
Introduction to Portuguese Wine Course -15th and 16th January
Wine experts now agree that the quality of Portuguese wines have vastly improved over the last decade. Come and decide for yourself . Whether you simply drink or taste wine this course is for you. The course consists of two 4 hour sessions including lunch – this will be an excellent opportunity to combine the wines with food. A team of wine buffs from WineMine, an established local wine company, will guide you through the finer points of Portuguese wines including A brief history of Portuguese wine making - Tasting techniques and other tips for enjoying wine - The Portuguese table wines, districts and grapes; Port wine – the Portuguese legacy….Madeira and Moscatel. By the end of the course a total of 16 table wines and ports will be tasted aiding your understanding and enriching your experience Each day we will be tasting the wines on their own and then with lunch giving you a chance to put your new skills to the test. 105 Euros per person (Includes tasting wines, two lunches and a course certificate) Special rate for overnight accommodation - 21 Euros per person per night sharing twin landview room to include breakfast.
Garden Design and Appreciation Course 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th January
Alan Mason is a former Gardens Manager to the Queen’s cousin at Harewood House in Yorkshire and has presented gardening programmes on TV and radio for over 20 years. Since 1987 Alan has run his own Garden Design business (now with Marylyn) and is considered to be one of Europe’s top garden designers.Marylyn Webb was for 17 years, Senior presenter and producer at Yorkshire Television, specialising in News, Current Affairs and the Environment. She agreed to make a gardening series at Harewood House and that led to a name change as she is now Marylyn Mason. For 10 years Alan and Marylyn ran their own TV production company where they made gardening programmes from Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Holland.The course will look at the changing styles of gardens throughout Europe and history. It will show how and why fashions have come and gone. There will be instruction on garden design, looking at the “bone structure” of a garden, the creation of rooms and the decoration of them. The use of plants to create different styles and atmospheres will be explored. Examples will be given from some of the best gardens throughout Europe, both large and small. We will look at how to add value to a property and to make it more desirabe and saleable. There will be an opportunity to develop thoughts, ideas and schemes for participants own gardens with Al an and Marylyn. After this course, Alan and Marylyn will be available throughout January and February to offer garden design consultations for clients. It is also hoped that a series of instructive local garden visits can be arranged. 140 Euros per person. Special rate for overnight accommodation - 21 Euros per person per night sharing twin landview room to include breakfast.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to book your place.