
One Day Creative Writing Course - New

Saturday, 24th February 2007
10.00am – 4.30pm

Do you like love to write but feel you need a little guidance?
Do you sometimes want to put an idea on paper but cannot get started?

Why not join one of the writing courses being held at the hotel and learn a few of the ways that professional writers approach their work with published writer and journalist Jenny Grainer.

In Jenny’s opinion nobody can teach a person how to write, it has to come from within, but joining a writing course and sitting amongst like-minded people can be inspirational. With just a few explanations of how to present an article or write a short story, students are often amazed as the veils, blinding them from letting their natural talents to show through, are lifted away.

Start that book or your memoirs for future generations to remember you by.

Price per person - €:60.00

All Welcome!

For to book or for further information please contact Jenny Grainer
on 282 381201

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