Royal British Legion January Lunch
A few photos of the Royal British Legion lunch which took place last Wednesday.

The Algarve Sub-Branch now has a membership of 150 and meets the 3rd. Wednesday of every month at Hotel Garbe for lunch...All visiting RBL members are welcome and please join us in the Bar for pre-lunch drinks at mid-day.
For more information please contact their Secretary David Mossman on 282332665 or e-mail dacemoss@sapo.pt
For more information please contact their Secretary David Mossman on 282332665 or e-mail dacemoss@sapo.pt
Pancake Races on Armação de Pêra Beach
Tuesday 16th February 2010
PANCAKE RACES - On the beach
At 10.30 am
On the beach in front of the Hotel Garbe, Armacao de Pera
Races for all ages
Races for all ages
Races for little toddlers, big toddlers and children of all ages!
Mums and Dads and Grandparents too!
Mums and Dads and Grandparents too!
Prizes for every Winner

Sweet filling - €1.50 each - Savoury filling - € 2.50 each
All Welcome!!
For more details please phone Jane on 282 320260 or Jenny Tucker on 91 9041903.
Valentines Buffet Dinner Dance Menu
Saturday, 13th February/ Sábado 13 de Fevereiro 2010 – 19.00.hrs
“Restaurante “Por do Sol”
“Restaurante “Por do Sol”
Carinhos da Horta - Love is in the Air …
Creme de Legumes com Suspiros de Natas - Whispers of Vegetable Soup
Para Continuar - Followed by …
Sabores e Encantos Tropicais – Enchanting Tropical Flavours
Saladas de Multicolor – Rainbow of Salads
Salada de Camarão – “Cupids” Shrimp Delight
Saladas de Multicolor – Rainbow of Salads
Salada de Camarão – “Cupids” Shrimp Delight
Do Mar com Paixão – Passion from the Ocean ...
Supremos de Cherne com Molho de Mexilhão – Sea Bass Supremes embraced with Mussel Sauce
Tranches de Linguado enamorado com Frutos Secos – Fillets of Sole harmonised with Dried Fruit
Tranches de Linguado enamorado com Frutos Secos – Fillets of Sole harmonised with Dried Fruit
Pecados de Romeu e Julieta - Romeo and Juliets Secrets...
Lombinhos de Porco com Molho de Alecrim – Pork Fllets with Rosemary Sauce
Peitinhos de Frango com Molho amoroso de Julieta – Breasts of Chicken with Cream Sauce
Com o Amor de Romeu – From Romeo with Love ...
Laçinhos à Bolonhesa Gratinados – Oven Baked Pasta Bows with Bolognaise Sauce
No Espelho de Julieta – From Juliets’s Mirror …
Presunto com Pickles – Smoked Ham sweethearts with Pickles
Queijos Amorosos - Loving Cheese Board
Queijos Amorosos - Loving Cheese Board
Para Terminar em Beleza - Finish with Flourish …
Fofos Amorosos S.Valentim - St. Valentines Love Puffs
Bolos de Chocolate com carinhos Kiwi - Chocolate Cake with Kiwi Kisses
Vinho da Casa Tinto ou Branco, Água - Red and White Wine , Water
Dancing to Live Music
€:25.00 p.p. iva incl.
Don’t miss it book now!
Tel: 282 320260 E-mail info@hotelgarbe.com
Hotel Garbe, Armação de Pêra, Silves, Algarve.
The Marketing Magician Returns to the Hotel Garbe
Grow your Business & Profits by Attending These Easy to Follow Seminars
Monday March 22nd 2010
One to One Marketing Surgery
Get One to One Advice on Marketing Your Business Direct From The Marketing Magician
Appointments by arrangement
For details please contact Stefan in person on +44 (0) 1926 632 794
Cost: - 89 Euros per event
Book two or more workshops and obtain a 10% discount
Additional discounts for members of approved “trade associations” by arrangement – please enquire
For more information or to book your place – please contact Hotel Garbe – + 351 282 320260 or mail@hotelgarbe.com.
At the Hotel Garbe, Armação de Pêra, Silves, Algarve, Portugal
For the location of Hotel Garbe click here
Monday March 22nd 2010
How to Quadruple your Turnover & Profit
9.30am – 12.30pm
Website Secrets – How to Drive Traffic to your Website with Google Adwords and Free Online Marketing Tools
4pm – 7pm
Tuesday March 23rd 2010
Marketing of Holiday Lets for Property Owners: How to fill your property with customers by using simple, easy to use, low cost marketing ….. including using websites and online marketing.
9.30am – 12.30pm
How to Delight Your Customers and Make More Profit
2pm – 5pm
Wednesday March 24th 2010
Marketing for Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Bars and Hotels: How to fill your establishment with customers by using simple, easy to use, low cost marketing ….. including using websites and online marketing.
8.30am. – 11.30am
PR and Media: How to get your news and stories into print, on air and into cyberspace at no cost.
2pm – 5pm
How to Quadruple your Turnover & Profit
Thursday March 25th 2010
Marketing for Real Estate & Property Agencies: How to sell your properties by using simple, easy to use, low cost marketing….. including using websites and online marketing.
8.30am – 11.30am
Advertising Secrets: How to Cut Your Advertising Costs & Ensure Your Advertising Works Every Time.
2pm – 5pm
9.30am – 12.30pm
Website Secrets – How to Drive Traffic to your Website with Google Adwords and Free Online Marketing Tools
4pm – 7pm
Tuesday March 23rd 2010
Marketing of Holiday Lets for Property Owners: How to fill your property with customers by using simple, easy to use, low cost marketing ….. including using websites and online marketing.
9.30am – 12.30pm
How to Delight Your Customers and Make More Profit
2pm – 5pm
Wednesday March 24th 2010
Marketing for Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Bars and Hotels: How to fill your establishment with customers by using simple, easy to use, low cost marketing ….. including using websites and online marketing.
8.30am. – 11.30am
PR and Media: How to get your news and stories into print, on air and into cyberspace at no cost.
2pm – 5pm
How to Quadruple your Turnover & Profit
Thursday March 25th 2010
Marketing for Real Estate & Property Agencies: How to sell your properties by using simple, easy to use, low cost marketing….. including using websites and online marketing.
8.30am – 11.30am
Advertising Secrets: How to Cut Your Advertising Costs & Ensure Your Advertising Works Every Time.
2pm – 5pm
One to One Marketing Surgery
Get One to One Advice on Marketing Your Business Direct From The Marketing Magician
Appointments by arrangement
For details please contact Stefan in person on +44 (0) 1926 632 794
Cost: - 89 Euros per event
Book two or more workshops and obtain a 10% discount
Additional discounts for members of approved “trade associations” by arrangement – please enquire
For more information or to book your place – please contact Hotel Garbe – + 351 282 320260 or mail@hotelgarbe.com.
At the Hotel Garbe, Armação de Pêra, Silves, Algarve, Portugal
For the location of Hotel Garbe click here
Fiesa - the International Sand Sculptures Festival, 2010
Fiesa - the International Sand Sculptures Festival will be held in Pera from 22nd May until 22nd October 2010.
It is the only event of its kind in the Iberian peninsula and given its dimensions is the largest in the world.
During the day the sculptures can be admired in all their infinite detail and at night there is a varied programme of live music, theatre, dance and circus acts.
The exhibition will be open to the public every day between 22 May and 22 October 2010.
More information: http://www.fiesa.org/
It is the only event of its kind in the Iberian peninsula and given its dimensions is the largest in the world.
Each year the festival is dedicated to a different theme. This year the theme is the living world - the geology, fauna, flora and the environment around us since the beginning of life on earth.
During the day the sculptures can be admired in all their infinite detail and at night there is a varied programme of live music, theatre, dance and circus acts.
The exhibition will be open to the public every day between 22 May and 22 October 2010.
More information: http://www.fiesa.org/
Thank you for your support - Contributed
Martin Binks and Lynn Love who are residents of Silves have been able to provide their local charity Castelo de Sonhos with over 350 Euros worth of much needed food supplies through their fund raising events at the Hotel Garbe over Christmas and New Year, and thank everyone who took part.
The Boxing Day Treasure Hunt and the monthly Quiz Night in January are being followed up with two further Quiz Nights in February which aim to raise funds for the Pirilampos and Gaivota Childrens Homes in Albufeira.
For more details telephone Lynn on 919 266 770 or see the Hotel Garbe website http://www.hotelgarbe.com/.
For more details telephone Lynn on 919 266 770 or see the Hotel Garbe website http://www.hotelgarbe.com/.

Painting Boxes
Each week during the month of January a number of our "regulars" get together to paint. Here are some photographs of the last session.
Swim for Shoes Thank you - Amigos das Crianças
We received this e-mail this morning from the Gaivota Home in Albufeira
The Amigos das Crianças would like to thank all the swimmers and sponsors who helped raise the magnificent amount of 1093,47 Euros for the teenagers and young people at the Gaivota Home in Albufeira.
The money will be used to buy new shoes throughout the year, and this is very much appreciated by the youngsters and the staff at the home.
Many thanks to everyone involved.
Amigos das Crianças
Gaivota Home in Albufeira
The Amigos das Crianças would like to thank all the swimmers and sponsors who helped raise the magnificent amount of 1093,47 Euros for the teenagers and young people at the Gaivota Home in Albufeira.
The money will be used to buy new shoes throughout the year, and this is very much appreciated by the youngsters and the staff at the home.
Many thanks to everyone involved.
Amigos das Crianças
Gaivota Home in Albufeira
Querença Sausage Festival - 24th January, 2010

On Sunday January 24 the Annual Sausage Festival will take place in Querença.
Commencing at 11.00am you will have the chance to taste numerous types of Portuguese chouriço (sausage).
The day is in honor of St. Luis the patron saint of animals. Don't miss the chouriço auction at 4.00pm or the fireworks at the end of the day.
For more info 289 400 600 or 289 422 337
Algarve - News and Events
Do not miss this months; Be Hip Show - now online
- http://www.hipalgarve.net -
- http://www.hipalgarve.net -
Old Time Musical Evening

Due to popular demand, and for one night only the Angels Theatre Group will be staging their Old Time Musical Evening at the Hotel Garbe, Armacao de Pera. The Angels Theatre Group entertain for good causes, and this time the beneficiary will be Castelo de Sonhos.
The Old Time Musical will take place on Saturday March 20th and the price of 28 euros includes show, full buffet meal and wine.
Tickets will be available shortly and there are limited spaces available. All previous performances have been sold out well in advance, so to avoid disappointment purchase your tickets as soon as possible. Tickets will be available from The Hotel Garbe, Joro Lda, Almancil, or phone Dave or Celia Mossman on 282 332665. For general information see the web site http://www.angelstheatregroup.com/.
Audience participation is very important for this type of evening, so everyone attending are encouraged to dress up in something appropriate. Not as difficult as it sounds - Think of the old T.V. programme The Good Old Days for inspiration.
As an incentive, anyone who dresses up will receive a free raffle ticket for a separate draw.
Ladies – a plain skirt and pretty blouse will look good – add an elasticated belt, feather boa or shawl or maybe trim a hat.
Men – always a little more difficult, but how about a waistcoat and bow tie. Hats could be a flat cap or top hat. Alternatively what about a blazer and boater.
These accessories can be sourced at charity shops, Chinese shops, or even the large supermarkets during February (the carnival season). The charity shop in Silves which benefits Castelo de Sonhos (Rua Francisco Pablos, no. 13) have been putting suitable items to one side – so pay them a visit also.
This promises to be a popular fun evening – so start to get organized now.
Book your place - 282 320260 or e-mail: info@hotelgarbe.com
The World Superbike Championship (WSBK) - 26th - 28th March

Recognised worldwide for the extreme competitiveness of every race. the bikes used on the track are built on the basis of production models rather than from prototypes, which makes the championship a thrilling competition for bike enthusiasts.
In its 23rd edition, the WSBK is a thrilling event with tremendous potential, with 7 factory teams at the starting grid (Aprilia, BMW, Ducati, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki e Yamaha).
Get your ticket online http://trackshop.autodromodoalgarve.com/default.aspx
Calling all Ladies Lunch Clubs
We are pleased to announce that on 6th April 2010 at the Hotel Garbe, Armacao de Pera a joint Lunch will take place.
Following the success of the 2007 joint Algarve Ladies Lunch Clubs meeting when six clubs shared information relating to their groups, it has been decided to repeat this joint lunch.
All Ladies Lunch Clubs are very welcome to participate. For more information please contact organiser - Carole Good-Dixon, e-mail: carole66@sapo.pt Mobile: 966571639 Tel: 282312079
Following the success of the 2007 joint Algarve Ladies Lunch Clubs meeting when six clubs shared information relating to their groups, it has been decided to repeat this joint lunch.
All Ladies Lunch Clubs are very welcome to participate. For more information please contact organiser - Carole Good-Dixon, e-mail: carole66@sapo.pt Mobile: 966571639 Tel: 282312079
A Romantic Weekend

Celebrate Valentines Day at the Hotel Garbe
Bring your loved one for a Romantic Weekend in the Hotel Garbe with its breathtaking seaviews views.
12th - 14th February, 2010
2 Night Break
68 Euros per person
2 Nights accommodation
and Buffet Breakfast
and Romantic Dinner on 13th February
Single ……..12 Euros per night
Seaview ……..12 Euros per person per night
Extra night (bed and breakfast)……. 23 Euros per person per night
Dancing to live music in Bar Boa Vista
Don't Miss It - book now - 282 320260 or e-mail info@hotelgarbe.com
Bring your loved one for a Romantic Weekend in the Hotel Garbe with its breathtaking seaviews views.
12th - 14th February, 2010
2 Night Break
68 Euros per person
2 Nights accommodation
and Buffet Breakfast
and Romantic Dinner on 13th February
Single ……..12 Euros per night
Seaview ……..12 Euros per person per night
Extra night (bed and breakfast)……. 23 Euros per person per night
Dancing to live music in Bar Boa Vista
Don't Miss It - book now - 282 320260 or e-mail info@hotelgarbe.com
Hotel Garbe, Armação de Pêra, Algarve, Portugal
Quiz Night Success
The first of the Hotel Garbe's monthly charity quiz nights held on 4th January produced a keenly fought contest with 11 teams fighting it out right to the last round. The 'Fried Eggheads' emerged victorious but only by 1 point and are pictured below. The Silves charity Castelo de Sonhos will soon benefit from the 165 Euros raised on the night. Thanks to Diamond Cleaning Services, Albufeira for sponsoring this event.
The next quiz night takes place on Monday 1st February and will be raising funds for Albufeira charities Pirilampos and Gaivota. To book a table telephone Lynn on 919 266 770 or the Hotel Garbe on 282 320 260.
The next quiz night takes place on Monday 1st February and will be raising funds for Albufeira charities Pirilampos and Gaivota. To book a table telephone Lynn on 919 266 770 or the Hotel Garbe on 282 320 260.

Theatre Dinners - 24th and 25th February, 2010
Theatre Dinners - Raj at Garbe
“Up, Down and Sideways”
“Data Entry” with Thomas Hartman and Diane Cantillon Ings
“One Naked Woman and a Fully Clothed Man” with John and Barbara Mountford
“Fantasy Bond” with Thomas Hartman and Sandy Whittle
“Silver Wedding” with John Mountford and Diane Cantillon Ings
“Up, Down and Sideways”
“Data Entry” with Thomas Hartman and Diane Cantillon Ings
“One Naked Woman and a Fully Clothed Man” with John and Barbara Mountford
“Fantasy Bond” with Thomas Hartman and Sandy Whittle
“Silver Wedding” with John Mountford and Diane Cantillon Ings
24th and 25th February 2010
7.00 for 7.30 pm
3 Course Indian Dinner with Wine and Coffee
€30 per person
Don’t miss it book now!
HOTEL GARBE – 8365-909 Armação de Pêra – Algarve
Tel: 282 320260 Fax: 282 315087
mail@hotelgarbe.com www.hotelgarbe.com
Tel: 282 320260 Fax: 282 315087
mail@hotelgarbe.com www.hotelgarbe.com
January Special - Free Espumante

To celebrate 2010 the Hotel Garbe in Armação de Pêra is offering free espumante........
Book your 2010, holiday at the Hotel Garbe via their web site between Friday, 8th January and Sunday, 31st January and you find a bottle of chilled Espumante in your room on arrival for your to enjoy with our compliments.
Book now
Learn Bridge at the Hotel Garbe

New Beginners and Improvers classes starting soon with Finola Gibson.
You can learn every step of the way from opening bids, to strip and end plays:-
Opening bids, suit bids, response and no trump bids.
Competition and the reasons and ways behind it.
Big hand bidding
Patterns of play including how tricks are won, the finesse, establishing a long suit, when to pull and delay trumps.
Defensive and advanced play.
Plus much more.…..….
For more information please contact Finola Gibson on telephone 282 312873 – ( answer machine leave message) or finola@sapo.pt
Contributed - Charity Quiz Night - February
In the Hotel Garbe, Armação de Pera
First Monday of the month
Date of next quiz - 1st February 2010
Winners receive €25
Gift Card
Prizes donated by local businesses
Starts 8 pm
€2.50 per person
Teams of 2 – 6 people welcome
Bar and Snacks Available
Tlm Lynn on 919 266 770 or call in to book your table
First Monday of the month
Date of next quiz - 1st February 2010
Winners receive €25
Gift Card
Prizes donated by local businesses
Starts 8 pm
€2.50 per person
Teams of 2 – 6 people welcome
Bar and Snacks Available
Tlm Lynn on 919 266 770 or call in to book your table
Recipes from Portugal - Feijoada - Kidney beans with chorizo

50g animal fat cut into cubes
100g farinheira (type of sausage)
2 mature tomatoes
1 onion
1 clove
2 garlic cloves
Olive Oil
1 bay leaf
1 parsley stick
Before cooking, leave the kidney beans to soak for about four or five hours.
Peel the onion and garlic and wash them. Chop and deseed the tomatoes. Drain the kidney beans and place them in a dish filled with water, a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt and half an onion which you will have previous pricked with the clove.
Cover the dish and place over a medium heat until the water boils, lower the heat and leave the kidney beans to cook for half an hour. When they are soft, strain them, keeping the cooking water. Keep the kidney beans hot. With a fork, prick the chouriço de sangue and the farinheira and place in the water where the beans were previously cooked. Place over the heat.
While the two sausages cook, sauté the chopped garlic and remaining onion in a separate pan with a little oil. When they start to turn golden brown, add the chopped tomatoes and leave to cook for a few minutes before adding the cubed animal fat, chouriço de carne, bay leaf and parsley. Baste this mixture with a couple of ladles of stock (the water the sausages were cooked in) and when the stew starts to boil, add the beans. Season and leave over a slow heat for approximately fifteen minutes, until the liquid thickens.
Remove from the heat and serve the kidney beans with the sliced sausages.
Other Recipes from Portugal
Sopa da Pedra
Caldeirada Broad beans - Algarve Style
Green Peas and Eggs
Sweet Rice Pudding
Pudim Flan
Dom Rodrigos
"Fig" Cheese
Octopus Rice
Raj at Garbe - January Special
Book your table now Raj at Garbe, www.rajatgarbe.com, 282 320260
“Oops forgot about Valentines” Dinner/Quiz
Raj Indian Restaurant - Quiz Dinner
Friday, 19th February 2010
With fund raising Charity Raffle for Amigos das Crianças (Pirilampos/Gaivota) Albufeira
3 Course Indian Dinner
including wine and coffee
General Knowledge, News, Music rounds and much more ..
Prizes for winners and best team name
€20 per person
Starts 7.00 - 7.30 pm
Max 6 people in a team
Tel Lynn on Tlm 919 266 770 to book your table
Friday, 19th February 2010
With fund raising Charity Raffle for Amigos das Crianças (Pirilampos/Gaivota) Albufeira
3 Course Indian Dinner
including wine and coffee
General Knowledge, News, Music rounds and much more ..
Prizes for winners and best team name
€20 per person
Starts 7.00 - 7.30 pm
Max 6 people in a team
Tel Lynn on Tlm 919 266 770 to book your table
Swim for Shoes - New Years Day
Congratulations and thanks to all those who participated in the Annual Swim for Shoes on New Years Day on the beach in front of the Hotel Garbe either by paddling or getting totally immersed in the sea !
We are delighted to say that the total of donations raised to date from the swims on Christmas Day and New Years Day is - €1093 which will all be used to buy new shoes for children in care.
We are delighted to say that the total of donations raised to date from the swims on Christmas Day and New Years Day is - €1093 which will all be used to buy new shoes for children in care.
Special thanks to four swimmers, Hans, Carole, and Mr. and Mrs. Higgens, who asked friends and family to sponser their swims.
Angels’ Feathers - Theatre review
The latest innovation of Algarve-based author and actress, Nicky Moran, is a one-act play, ‘Angel’s Feathers.’ Appearing with Dutch actor Thomas Hartmann, the pair entertained audiences at Hotel Garbe as part of a theatre dinner evening.
By popular demand repeat performances are due to take place in January. (See below)
This is one of Nicky’s most humorous scripts and the dreamlike plot is held together by two down-to-earth performances. Frequent references to, “two ounces of boiled ham,” and “Bobby, the tabby cat,” succeed in keeping the audience grounded.
Another recurring theme is memory loss, resulting in Nicky - playing the part of a forgetful widow - putting the kettle out on the doorstep instead of the cat. The action starts during one of these absent-minded moments when the scatterbrained old lady has been standing in a queue for so long she’s forgotten why she’s there.
As often happens in these cases her long-term memory is unaffected. She has no trouble affectionately recalling her deceased husband, his problems with water retention and the consequences of drinking 20 pints of beer!
Performed with sensitivity and warmth, the endearing old widow goes onto meet up with a bizarre character, suffering from years of insomnia due to running a multinational company. Thomas Hartmann’s neurotic delivery of a megalomaniac is reminiscent of Gene Wilder playing Leo Bloom in the film, ‘The Producers.’
Well experienced at tackling unusual roles, in The Netherlands when the film of ‘ET’ was dubbed into Dutch, Thomas’s remarkably expressive voice was selected to play the leading role.
As the story unfolds the pair become amiably disposed towards each other, the widow being surprisingly imaginative when advising the megalomaniac about how to run his business.
Nicky’s previous theatrical successes as a playwright include ‘Lights Out’ and ‘Snakes and Ladders.’
‘Angels’ Feathers’ is a new fast-moving show directed by Midge Ridley that should not be missed.
Due to be staged on January 20th and 21st
Raj Restaurant, Hotel Garbe, Armação de Pêra
Three-course Indian meal with wine, coffee and show €30 p.p.
Telephone to reserve a table: - 282 320 260
Carolyn Kain

Photo: Peter Kain
By popular demand repeat performances are due to take place in January. (See below)
This is one of Nicky’s most humorous scripts and the dreamlike plot is held together by two down-to-earth performances. Frequent references to, “two ounces of boiled ham,” and “Bobby, the tabby cat,” succeed in keeping the audience grounded.
Another recurring theme is memory loss, resulting in Nicky - playing the part of a forgetful widow - putting the kettle out on the doorstep instead of the cat. The action starts during one of these absent-minded moments when the scatterbrained old lady has been standing in a queue for so long she’s forgotten why she’s there.
As often happens in these cases her long-term memory is unaffected. She has no trouble affectionately recalling her deceased husband, his problems with water retention and the consequences of drinking 20 pints of beer!
Performed with sensitivity and warmth, the endearing old widow goes onto meet up with a bizarre character, suffering from years of insomnia due to running a multinational company. Thomas Hartmann’s neurotic delivery of a megalomaniac is reminiscent of Gene Wilder playing Leo Bloom in the film, ‘The Producers.’
Well experienced at tackling unusual roles, in The Netherlands when the film of ‘ET’ was dubbed into Dutch, Thomas’s remarkably expressive voice was selected to play the leading role.
As the story unfolds the pair become amiably disposed towards each other, the widow being surprisingly imaginative when advising the megalomaniac about how to run his business.
Nicky’s previous theatrical successes as a playwright include ‘Lights Out’ and ‘Snakes and Ladders.’
‘Angels’ Feathers’ is a new fast-moving show directed by Midge Ridley that should not be missed.
Due to be staged on January 20th and 21st
Raj Restaurant, Hotel Garbe, Armação de Pêra
Three-course Indian meal with wine, coffee and show €30 p.p.
Telephone to reserve a table: - 282 320 260
Carolyn Kain

Photo: Peter Kain
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