
Workshop - PR and Media

Tuesday, 20th October, 14.00h - 17.00h

How to get your news and stories into print, on air and into cyberspace at no cost.

There is a reason the BBC call Stefan Drew the Marketing Magician. Every month he appears in the press, on radio and on websites throughout the world and it costs him nothing at all.

The techniques Stefan uses can be used by anyone and don’t need any special skills or a degree in marketing.

In this half day course Stefan will explain how you can use these basic techniques to get valuable PR at no cost; how to get pages of coverage in newspapers, how to get your business on radio and TV, how to get magazine articles published and how to appear on websites worldwide…..and all at no cost.

Get massive media coverage for your business at no cost. Find out more by booking a place on this event today.

Cost: - 89 Euros for this half day workshop

For more information or to book your place – please contact Hotel Garbe – 282 320260 or mail@hotelgarbe.com.

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