Monday, 2nd and Tuesday, 3rd February, 2009
Course starts at 10.00 in the Hotel Garbe
The course will consist of four x 2.5 hrs sessions over two days
Cost. Euro 100 per person for two day course
Tutor: Alan Mason NDT. F.Inst.G. Dip Hort. MI Hort is one of the most experienced and best qualified garden designers in Europe. He is a founder member of the Professional Gardeners Guild, for nine years was Gardens Manager to the Queens cousin at Harewood House in Yorkshire, has presented gardening programmes on TV and radio for over 20 years and has run his own garden design business since 1987.
Amateur or Professional - all levels of expertise have participated on this course in the past. All gel together well and all have the opportunity to develop their existing levels of knowledge. The basic requirement is that you enjoy gardens and want to learn a bit more than you already do at whatever level you are at. It is informative, educational and most of all, enjoyable.
This course has both practical and classroom elements and is designed primarily for anyone with an interest in gardening but who would like to get more out of their hobby with an insight into how and why gardens have been created in the ways they have for centuries and how to design a garden today.
There is a practical visit to a "garden to design" and then another to an established garden, as well as theory input. This is ideal for anyone wanting to create a new garden themselves or develop an existing one. Alan will show examples of gardens he has created as well as others.

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