15th, 16th, 17th and 19th October. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday)
29th October -2nd November, 2007 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday)
20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd November(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd February(Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday)
11th, 12th, 13th and 14th March (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
The workshop runs for four days from 10:00 am to 13:00
You may work in any media, if you do choose to have the supplies included they are acrylics

The painting is done on location.
Two days are spent by the unique Portuguese fishing boats.
The other two days from scenery with cliffs and local flora, flowering almonds trees (depending on the time of the year)
Some of the points that will be covered during the workshop:-
Use of the view finder as a composition helper,
Relation of the basic shapes to the topic.
Use of the vertical and horizontal line to determine angles .
Fundamental of basic drawing.
Initiation to the colour wheel .
Colour theory
Colour exercises.
Importance of shadows.
Shadow colours
Reflected light
Values, intensity and use of compliment colours.
Soft edges versus hard edges.
How to create harmony.
Tutors Comment: Art should be an individual statement, the tools (theory) I will be giving you are aids for your own personal development,they will serve to take the frustration and anxiety away from such a special moment which is painting.
If the weather does not permit we will work in the studio from still life's.
Still life normally takes up only one days work, in that case we will incorporate tile painting with typical Portuguese designs.
180 Euros per person
If you choose to have materials included (canvas board, and acrylics) it will be an additional 20 Euros.
Don't miss it - for more information or to book tel: 282 320260 or send e-mail to mailto: info@hotelgarbe.com
Please ask for details of our other Winter Workshops.
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