The idea was to give some of the Elderly in need of the Algarve a present at Christmas – however, the generosity of the Algarve has meant a great deal more.
Firstly, David and Celia Mossman were totally overwhelmed by the number of filled shoeboxes that were handed in to be distributed by Castelos de Sonhos for the elderly this Christmas – a total of 145 were received and are currently being delivered to the elderly in need.
The Mossmans run a friends Luncheon Club, which hold a raffle at each lunch – the members agreed that the money should be for the elderly in need and the total amount of 745 Euros has bought much needed blankets

Maureen Yould and the Ladies of the Western Ladies Luncheon Club also decided to support the appeal and ran a Bring and Buy Cake sale at the Christmas Fair at the Hotel Garbe on 1st December, the 130 Euros from this event was used to buy warm socks.

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