
"Há caracois" - Snails

Caracóis are small snails which are found in the Portuguese countryside during the months of May and June.
For those who like them they are delicious.

Eaten between the months of May and July the snails are usually boiled and then flavoured with garlic and oregano.
The best snails, it is said, are those picked from fennel plants. Look for a sign reading “Há caracois”, meaning snails are on the menu.
They can be bought at most markets, to cook at home:-

1 kl. (around 35 oz.) of small/medium snails. You can pick them from your garden… :)
3 crushed cloves of garlic
1 hand full of oreganos
Wash the snails well. After they are well cleaned, place them in a pot casserole and cover them in water.

Add, garlic and oregano, bring them to the boil - simmer, stirring once in a while.

Let it cook for around 10 to 15 minutes.

Serve with chilled beer and bread. You’ll need tooth sticks to get the snails out of their shells. Enjoy!

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