Thank you for your comments
Our Holiday at the Hotel Garbe has been without doubt one of our best.
We couldn't find fault with anything or anyone. We would like to come again, our last time here was in 1985. We will recommend the Hotel Garbe to everyone.
Many, many thanks
Swim for Shoes Video
Thank you to one of our regular guests, professional photographer, Mr. Peter Phelan of Prophoto International www.prophoto-international.com for filming and uploading for us.
Nativity Scene - Armacao de Pera
Christmas Day Swim for Shoes

More than 50 participated in the Christmas Day "*Swim for Shoes*" on the beach in front of the Hotel Garbe in Armacao de Pera, Algarve and help to raise more than 600 Euros to buy new shoes for children in an Algarve Orphanage.

The sea was surprisingly warm and as one swimmer said very exhilarating!!!! Certificates were awarded to all those who got wet and everyone enjoyed a very welcome glass of Mulled Wine in the Hotel Garbe bar afterwards.

Thank you to everyone who participated.
Thanks also to the Classic Car Club who collected 250 Euros and to WineMine who gave the proceeds from their Christmas Raffle. Which boosts the current total to more than 900 Euros.....
In order to raise more funds - there is another "Swim for Shoes" on 1st Janauary at 11.00am - just the way to recover from the festivities of New Years Eve - welcome in 2007 by paddling or swimming in the Atlantic Ocean - what an achievement ! Please join us - Fancy Dress Optional.

Alfies' 80th Birthday Lunch
An Introduction to Travel Photography
Wednesdays, 7th and 21st February and 7th and 21st March, 2007
This 4-hour course starts at 9am at the Hotel Garbe
Have you ever wished you knew more about your camera so that you could take better photographs?
This course is designed to help you develop your camera skills and techniques to enable you to create images which capture the real mood and atmosphere of your travel destinations.
After a short introductory talk, we will visit a variety of local locations where you will be guided through different approaches to photographing selected subjects and scenes. At each location the emphasis will be on composition and exposure and we’ll explore areas such as directional light, colour, tone texture and pattern, among many other topics.
With a maximum of only six participants, you will be assured lots of individual attention and there will be ample opportunity for questions and answers. We’ll also provide you with a set of course notes so that your new camera skills can be applied in any location.
Your course tutor is John McKinlay, one of the UK’s leading landscape and travel photographers. John has more than 17 years experience of teaching photography and he runs photographic courses and tours in Scotland, Portugal, Cyprus and North Africa.
Bring along your camera, whether it’s film or digital and enjoy a fresh approach to your photography.
Price per person 40 euros
For more information or to book, please send e-mail to info@hotelgarbe.com or telephone 282 320260.
Christmas Quiz
Win a weekend for two
1. Who is Santa Claus named after?
2. Boxing Day is also the Holy day for which Saint?
3. "Something stupid" was a Chrismas hit in 2001. Who sang it originally?
4. Who introduced Christmas trees to England?
5. Which actor played The Grinch in 2001?
6. How many drummers were drumming in the "Twelve Days of Christmas"?
7. On what date is Epiphany?
8. What are the names of the three Kings?
9 How many times is the word Christmas mentioned in the song "Jingle Bells"?
10. Who was crowned King of England on Christmas day 1066?
Send your answers by e-mail to info@hotelgarbe.com before 31st December, 2006 - all correct entries will be placed in a draw. The first one drawn will win a weekend for two in the Hotel Garbe. Answers will be posted in early January.
Christmas in Portugal
Portuguese Christmas celebrations are a little different.
The main meal is on Christmas Eve(called "Consoada"). The meal consists of codfish with boiled potatoes and cabbage. After the meal, people eat traditional fried desserts: "filhoses or filhós" are made of fried pumpkin dough; "rabanadas" are similar to french toast; "azevias" are round cakes made of a crust filled with a mixture of chick peas, sugar, and orange peel; "aletria" is a vermicelli sweet with eggs (typical of Douro and Minho region).
Another traditional dessert is "Bolo Rei". This is a fruitcake that is typically a New Years cake, but is becoming popular during Christmas Holidays. In the cake there are two surprises: one is a little present like a fake ring, or a little doll, or a medal. The other is not as welcomed. There is a raw broad bean. Whoever gets this bean has to buy the "Bolo Rei" in the coming year. In addition to these desserts there are many other that differ from region to region.
On Christmas Day, people eat stuffed turkey for lunch and the traditional desserts.
During the holiday season towns are decorated with lights.
The festivities end on January 6, "Dia de Reis".
The Perfect Present
Only €199 euros per person
(approx £135 pounds)

The Hotel Garbe
Golfers Special Offer
Stay 3 days in
December 2006 or January 2007
€199 euros
(£135 pounds approx)
2 rounds of Golf
(choose from 9 different courses)
Car hire
Bed & Breakfast
in a twin seaview room
Welcome drinks
Fruit & Water in room on arrival
Dinner in The Raj Indian Restaurant on one evening
No hidden extras
E Mail us for further details golfdesk@hotelgarbe.com
or visit our website http://www.golfatgarbe.com/
AFPOP Christmas Dinner - Silves area

Last Saturday, about thirty AFPOP members enjoyed the Silves Area Christmas Dinner which took place in our Restarant Por do Sol. Our thanks to Area Representatives Jan and Jim Cobley for holding this evening at the Hotel Garbe. If you would like information about future AFPOP events please contact Jan Cobley at janc@paws4pets.net.
Christmas Fair Raffle and Tombola

Here we can see Network President Linda Smith, (right) Vice President Renette Joubert (left) and Chairman of the Fiscal Board Silvia Smeman (centre), at the Raffle Table. Vice President Sam Felisberto organised the Tombola. Thanks go to all who donated prizes.
The monies raised from the Raffle and Tombola went to the Network Charity of the Year, Riding for the Disabled, who were thrilled at the funds raised( €1630) for their well deserved cause.
Thank you for your comments
Sent: segunda-feira, 27 de Novembro de 2006 22:18
To: hotelgarbe@mail.telepac.pt
Subject: Re: Re-MABEY booking 4th Nov-21 nights
Thank you so much for a wonderful stay , and we did so appreciate our room allocation .
I had room to do my daily exercises and cannot thank you enough , what a wonderful
team you have no wonder so many people return year after year . We look forward to
seeing you again . Mr & Mrs Mabey SWANAGE
Network Spirit of Christmas Fair

Last Friday, 1st December our annual Christmas Fair took place in the Hotel Garbe. Taking over the Bar, Reception, Chelb room and Raj Indian Restaurant there were more than sixty stalls for visitors to browse.
The fair is held each year in conjunction with Network - the Association of Working and Business Women in the Algarve. http://www.networkalgarve.org/
One of the popular attractions on the day were the carol singing sessions, kindly staged by members of the Silves Keep Fit For Charity Club who were delighted with the generosity of the crowd in their fundraising efforts for Castelo dos Sonhos.
Christmas Bar Snacks were available in the Bar Boa Vista and a buffet Curry was served between 12.00pm and 8.00pm.